Learnings From Our New Talent Concept: Westminster Works

Brexit, Covid and the cost of living have created a perfect storm for the hospitality and leisure sectors associated with longer hours and lower pay, draining out its existing talent pool.

The first of its kind in the UK, the initiative Westminster Works has seen industry and recruitment experts tackle the issues in the hospitality hotspot of Westminster over the last year. Here is what we have learnt:

Embrace Diversity

Widen your recruitment net and rethink hiring requirements and practices to create a diverse pool of potential candidates.

Jobseekers without hospitality experience may not have the obvious CV credentials. But they could provide the solution with the right training.

Culture, Wellbeing, Flexibility

Recognise all religious holidays for staff and highlight in job adverts company attributes like an inclusive culture, health and wellbeing focus, and flexible working models such as job shares.

Referral Scheme

Educate and train managers on the importance of diversity, and consider a referral scheme with bonus incentives for employees who recommend candidates from under-represented groups.

Embrace new tech trends

Harness digital power with diversity recruitment videos and testimonials, and celebrate staff achievements on social media. Encourage employees to get behind you as an ‘employer of choice’ by liking and sharing.

Co-written with AttisTowns Partner Bethan Davies from Cause .

To learn more about the project, please contact StepAhead or visit westminster.works.

Westminster Works is a recruitment project enabled by AttisTowns’ innovative partnership with Step Ahead, Westminster City Council, New West End Company, and The Knightsbridge Partnership to provide free recruitment and training services for hospitality and leisure employers in Westminster to recruit talents at London Living Wage or above.

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